March 9, 2015

Interfacing the Arduino with an SSD1306 driven OLED Display - part 2

Interfacing the Arduino with an SSD1306 driven OLED Display - part 2


This time around we are going to cover how to use the SSD1306 OLED as a buffered display. The OLED has a resolution of 128x64. If we take a bit to store the state of each pixel (1=bright, 0=dark), we’d end up having to stash 8192 bits in the atmega328’s SRAM. A whopping 1KB of ram used up to buffer the display!

SOURCECODE - Arduino Sketch

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March 4, 2015

Interfacing the Arduino with an SSD1306 driven OLED Display - part 1

Interfacing the Arduino with an SSD1306 driven OLED Display - part 1

Who doesn’t want a spiffy display for their Arduino!? An tiny OLED screen will let you do just that. I decided to get myself a display module for a intriguing project that I have in mind - emulating the CHIP-8 system on an Arduino Uno (atmega328). I decided to start by building the display interface.

enter image description here